Please send an email to gooddogdiscgolf@gmail.com with your detailed request.

The Custom GroundBound will be a great addition to your advertising arsenal, event recognition, charity, or player’s packs. These kneeling pads are usually hanging on a disc golf bag or backpack, making them highly visible, creating a walking billboard for your Company Logo, Charity, Organization, or Sporting Event.


15 centimeters in diameter with a 14 centimeter face for images/logos/etc.

IMPORTANT: If you are having your Custom GroundBound illustrated by an artist outside of Good Dog Disc Golf or SAManticore Productions, please follow the guidelines below to reduce confusion. Thank you!

*Fanart Policy: To avoid complications, Good Dog Disc Golf will only accept original designs or customer owned designs for your personalized GroundBound. DC, Hasbro, WB, etc. images or characters will not be allowed unless it is a fan piece (aka: someone has recreated the character).

*Recommended Format(s) for Images: We recommend digitally rendered images in .psd format and that they be at least 14x14cm in length and width. If you do not have a .psd image, rendering could be difficult.

  • NOTE: Please DO NOT make your image/illustrations in the shape of a GroundBound. Images with depictions on them or logos with backgrounds should have a bigger background than the focus of your image. The bigger the background, the easier it will be for us to fit on a GroundBound. Also, please leave space in your design for the grommet on top.

Want a custom GroundBound for yourself or a friend?

Good Dog Disc Golf allows you, our customer, to choose what graphics you would like on your GroundBound by submitting a design for review below. We will then send an invoice to your email and as soon as we receive payment the review process will take place. This will take a few days to complete and usually passes with only minor editing and cropping issues. More detailed changes to your design may require additional work and an estimate will be submitted before any additional charges apply. All artwork editing and design is done by Samanticore Productions, an affiliate of Good Dog Disc Golf. You may visit her Website through the button below.

After the artwork has been approved and the invoice has been paid in full, the final editing takes place and a proof will be provided for your final approval. Once we receive your final approval your design moves into production and, depending on the size of the order, your GroundBounds can take anywhere from a week to a month to arrive.

Maybe you’re looking to purchase custom Groundbounds for club tags, players’ packs, or event prizes. The GroundBound can be designed specifically with those in mind. Just send your request to gooddogdiscgolf@gmail.com and you will hear from us soon!

From all of us here at Good Dog Disc Golf, Thank you!

if you need design work done please click the button below

If you would like more information about our Tournament Packages visit the page through the button below.

if you are interested in purchasing custom groundbounds please send your request to gooddogdiscgolf@gmail.com.